NFCC launches Early Intervention Implementation Framework for FRS

National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) has launched a new Early Intervention Implementation Framework which is a suite of guidance and tools to assist fire and rescue services in delivering effective early intervention programmes that meet the needs of young people, communities, and key stakeholders.

It will support fire and rescue services to intervene early and develop resilience in children and young people, supporting them to cope with life’s challenges before they become involved in a crisis situation.

The Framework includes a suite of practical tools for strategic direction, implementation, monitoring and evaluation and a new strategic Theory of Change* which sets out a national core approach for interventions. Within the Theory of Change are seven key steps that NFCC will support FRSs to take.

As part of the framework, the Early Intervention Team has designed a new qualification; Developing Resilience, which is accredited by the Prince’s Trust. This qualification, produced by Jo Hardy, National Liaison Officer, with invaluable support from fire and rescue services, will help to shape the future of early interventions within the sector.

The qualification offers participants opportunities to explore, experience and develop different protective factors and then learn how to apply new coping strategies to real life situations.

To assist fire and rescue services to use the new framework, a series of virtual sessions are being hosted by the NFCC Implementation Support Team and the Early Intervention workstream. The sessions are aimed at anyone within UK FRS who is involved in the management or delivery of early interventions for children and young people. The dates of the sessions are below. Each of these introductory sessions will be repeated twice.


Session Description 

Date: Click to Book 

Introduction to Intervention Dashboard and other Supporting Tools 1 
5th October  1-2 

Introduction to Developing Resilience Qualification
4th October  1-2.30 

Introduction to Evaluation Tools 
3rd October  1- 2.30 

Early Intervention Implementation Framework Q & A Session DROP IN 1 
7th October  10 – 12 

Book a session here.

The framework is available on the NFCC website: Prevention: Children and young people

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